The Rosenbach Museum & Library is pleased to announce two new appointments designed to support the organization’s mission of creating “a community that engages with and celebrates the art of the written word using our collection of rare books and manuscripts.” Bryn Michelson-Ziegler joins us as Assistant Curator of Outreach & Engagement. In this newly created …
Upcoming Events
Tracing Celtic Heritage Across the Atlantic
The Rosenbach Explores the Lasting Legacy of the Irish Diaspora, in Partnership with the Kelly House in Philadelphia and the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco The history of Ireland is closely associated with the history of diaspora—that is, the movement of Irish people all around the world, including to Philadelphia. Irish identity, history, music, …
The Unpublishable Memoirs: Reflections on the Bookish Life with Dr. Alexander Lawrence Ames
The Collections Department at The Rosenbach Museum & Library knows that a key part of our work in preserving the institution’s holdings for future generations is showcasing why our collections matter to society today. Through our interpretive programs, we welcome members of our community into fascinating worlds of history, art, and literature, and help them …
The Muses’ Concord: Musical, Literary, and Historical Jewels from The Rosenbach’s Collection
The 2022 Rosenbacchanal (Thursday, May 12) will feature a unique harp and organ recital titled “The Muses’ Concord: Musical, Literary, and Historical Jewels from The Rosenbach’s Collection.” Each of the precious musical gems selected for performance at the event relates to one of The Rosenbach’s areas of collecting strengths. The program below presents the glittering …
Explore the Free Library ’s Alice Dunbar-Nelson Digital Resources
E-books offer opportunities to read literature written by the subject of The Rosenbach’s major upcoming exhibition The Rosenbach, in partnership with a team of consulting curators, exhibition designers, and a Committee of Community Advisers, is hard at work preparing the Fall 2020 virtual exhibition “I Am an American!”: The Authorship and Activism of Alice Dunbar-Nelson. …
The Story Behind “I Am an American!”: The Authorship and Activism of Alice Dunbar-Nelson
The Rosenbach’s upcoming online exhibition, programs, and educational opportunities use history and literature to spark civic engagement. “My fathers and mothers toiled to make an economic foundation for me! Every drop of my blood holds an heritage of patriotism. I am proud of my past; I hold faith in my future! I am …
The Rosenbach’s Gallery Gateway Online Exhibitions Make New Content Accessible Online
The Rosenbach has unveiled a new Gallery Gateway online exhibitions portal that will make content from exhibitions mounted onsite at the museum available to all via the Internet. The first Gallery Gateway to debut online presents The Rosenbach’s current exhibition, American Voyager: Herman Melville at 200. A second Gallery Gateway, which has recently made its …
The Rosenbach’s Top Ten Tips for Making the Most of a Museum Exhibition Visit
“‘Exhibit’ is a noun, but it is also a verb, meaning to show or display. Show or display what? Stuff. Not pictures of stuff or descriptions of stuff, but stuff. And the use of real, physical stuff…is what sets exhibits apart from books, TV, the Internet, etc.” – Eugene Dillenburg, “What, if Anything, is a Museum?” In Exhibitionist, spring, 2011. …
History Behind the Scenes: The Making of American Voyager: Herman Melville at 200
When you walk into a museum’s gallery space, the site that meets your eye is usually quite serene: a calm, quiet space all set up for you, the visitor, to explore, enjoy, and learn from artworks and artifacts. But this final product comes only at the end of many months, if not years, of planning, …
New Behind the Bookcase: Hands-on Tour to Highlight Mexican History Collections
Mexico: Race and Revolution in the Borderlands will be offered with live English-to-Spanish translation for Spanish-speaking visitors. The border between Mexico and the United States has been at the heart of trade, politics, art, and spirituality for centuries. A new Behind the Bookcase: Hands-on Tour at the Rosenbach titled Mexico: Race and Revolution in the …