This story from the BBC web site confirms our suspicions that Ulysses has become the most “valuable” novel of the 20th century–meaning that copies of its first edition sell for more than any other novel. Some of the best work done on the history of the 1922 edition and the fate of its 1000 copies …
The Big Sleep
…saw The Big Sleep on Turner Classic Movies last night (the 1946 Howard Hawks version) and was mesmerized, not just by Bogart and Bacall, but by the presence of a rare book dealer at the center of the plot. It struck me as significant somehow that Chandler used a book dealer–that in the 30’s and …
Harambee Project Explores African American Roots in Philadelphia
The Rosenbach is excited to partner with the Harambee Institute of Science and Technology, an African-centered charter school located in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia, for the museum’s first ever African American History in Philadelphia mapping project. The African American History in Philadelphia mapping project is the latest in a series of neighborhood mapping projects …
Costume Workshop
Last Saturday we had a costume-making workshop in anticipation of next Saturday’s Bat Parade. There is now glitter throughout the museum, which makes our days all the more festive. Here’s a link to all the Dracula-fest events. Be sure to check out the pictures of last year’s parade–you’ll get a sense of the incredible puppets …
Great Glittery Bats, Robin!
More pics from the Costume Workshop
Pictures from the Costume Making Workshop this past Saturday!
The Last Favour
Teresa Jaynes’ new book, The Last Favour, is finally done! It is the product of a collaboration between the Rosenbach, the Borowsky Center at the University of the Arts, and Teresa herself. It began as an installation at the Rosenbach called Red Maids that Teresa did at the Rosenbach back in 2000 as part of …
Dylan Thomas Tablecloth
The Rosenbach’s contribution to Philadelphia’s 215 Festival this year was a special tour called “What Would Dylan Thomas Do?” …if the joke of the title was ever funny (doubtful), it was funny back in the days of the What Would Jesus Do bracelet. But the people who came for the tours didn’t really care about …
New Stuff
Our exhibitions have changed over for the season–not just the new Drawn Together, which is in the main gallery in the Sendak building, but also the selection of objects in the highlights gallery, the partner desk in the Doctor’s library, the dining room table, and the Marianne Moore Room vestibule. [The radio you see here–a …