The American publisher Samuel Roth serialized Ulysses in his new magazine Two Worlds Monthly, but without permission from Joyce. This acquisition completes the Rosenbach’s set of the Two Worlds Monthly’s pirated publication of Ulysses.
American readers were exposed to the first chapters of Ulysses in the New York magazine The Little Review, but the magazine was shut down for violating obscenity laws. Unable to find a publisher in the English-speaking world, Joyce finally had the book published in Paris in 1922. Although it was still banned in the United States, its fame led to many copies being smuggled in. The publisher Samuel Roth decided to take advantage of its popularity by serializing it in his new magazine Two Worlds Monthly, but without permission from Joyce. His piracy provoked an international protest signed by 167 artists and writers in the journal Transition in 1927. Joyce eventually won an injunction that forced Roth to stop the magazine publication, though he later published the same text in book form. This new acquisition completes the Rosenbach’s set of issues of the Two Worlds Monthly’s publication of Ulysses.