Sorcerers and Scientists: The Origins of Science Fiction and Fantasy | Behind the Bookcase tour

Date / Time

  • November 9, 2023
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


2008-2010 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States



Before once upon a time and a galaxy far, far away, there was myth, legend, and folklore. Join us as we venture into magical lands, meet with fearsome foes, and witness technological wonders to uncover when and why the modern genres of fantasy and science fiction first arose. Along the way we’ll discover The Well at World’s End, one of the first modern fantasy novels, explore the island of Lilliput in Gulliver’s Travels, confront the scientifically confounding with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, journey alongside fantasy’s smallest hero, Frodo Baggins, and much more. We’ll discuss not just what makes these genres distinct, but also what qualities they share, and why we can’t get enough of them. Come voyage through fantastical worlds and see that, in the words of Tolkien, “not all those who wander are lost.” 


About Behind the Bookcase: Hands-on Tours at The Rosenbach

Behind the Bookcase: Hands-on Tours offer unparalleled access to see, and even touch, rare and important items not usually on view to the public. Each program is dedicated to a different author, theme, or topic and grants a truly hands-on experience with materials in The Rosenbach’s inspiring collection.

See all upcoming tours hereSpace is limited and advance registration is strongly recommended.