Commitment to Equity

Updated: July 2023

As a member of Philadelphia’s arts and culture sector, The Rosenbach will better reflect our city in every facet of our organization: a more diverse staff and board, an increase in representation of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), LGTBTQ+ people, and other traditionally underrepresented groups in the courses and programs we offer, highlighting the diverse voices that already exist within the collections, and increasing the diversity within our collections through acquisitions and physical spaces that are equitable and welcoming. The Rosenbach’s Board of Directors and Staff are actively committed to continually working and learning to diversify the organization’s leadership and will share these initiatives annually. The Rosenbach will continue to learn, but we make the following commitments to our community today.

We acknowledge that museums are not neutral. They are a vital part of how we interpret and share stories, and we believe the diversity of the people working in these institutions strengthens us collectively.

1. Continue learning: The Rosenbach’s staff, volunteers, and Board of Directors will receive Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) orientation and training annually. The Rosenbach has a DEAI (Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion) Committee with staff members from all departments and all levels of management, and volunteer guides, led by a rotating chair. Currently, Isabel Steven, Coordinator of Public Programs leads the committee.

2. Create equitable opportunities: We will be intentional about our hiring practices to increase diversity amongst our staff. Since the majority of the current staff is white, we will connect with BIPOC professional and alumni groups to widen our candidate pool and share future job or internship posts beyond traditional nonprofit online employment boards or our personal/professional networks.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage BIPOC, LGBTQ+ people, veterans, and people with disabilities to apply. The Rosenbach Museum & Library is committed to building a community that is inclusive and equitable, which strengthens our ability to maintain our shared cultural heritage.

All employment decisions are based on organizational needs, job requirements, and individual qualifications. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or any other status.

Research shows that women and people from underrepresented groups often apply to jobs only if they meet 100% of the qualifications1. We recognize that it is highly unlikely that someone meets 100% of the qualifications for a role. If much of this job description describes you, then please apply for this position.

3. Increase the diversity of our leadership: Since FY21 The Board of Directors has committed to adding at least two additional BIPOC Directors and aims to achieve and sustain over time a Board that benefits from diversity of all kinds, including participation by BIPOC members at a rate that is at least 25% of the total Board. As of March 2023, the Board of Directors has 22% participation by BIPOC members.

4. Increase accountability: We will amend our existing strategic plan with specific due dates and measurables in areas of DEAI initiatives. The DEAI Committee will create institution evaluations for the six month and year mark annually. Every year we will report on the progress of DEAI initiatives in the Annual Report and on our website.

5. Amplify the history, literature and culture of marginalized communities: Collections form the foundations of research, public programming, and outreach at the Rosenbach. As we continue to develop these collections, it is important that our acquisition strategy reflects our institutional commitments to equity, and to addressing historical injustices and contemporary issues. Our holdings have increased by a third since our founders’ day and, as we collect into 2023 and beyond, we intend to build on our existing strengths and areas of focus in history and literature. At the same time, our strategy attempts to foreground people and communities that have been overlooked, works that have been under-appreciated, and stories that have yet to be told.

In our original statement in 2020, we committed to amplifying Black history, literature and culture in response to the cultural moment of summer 2020. We continue to commit to showcasing the history and literature of Black communities through our programs, tours, exhibitions, and courses; we also commit to showcasing the history and literature of other traditionally underrepresented and marginalized communities and people like the LGBTQ+ community, members of religious minorities, Indigenous people, people of color, and women. We will do so by creating and offering programs, tours, exhibitions and courses that focus specifically on these histories, and by ensuring that these histories are also included and featured in other offerings when they are not the focus.

5. [Original goal from Summer 2020] Amplify Black history, literature, and culture beyond this moment: In response to our commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement, we will showcase Black narratives in a major new exhibition on the life and work of Alice Dunbar-Nelson in fall 2020, “I Am An American!”, which will include courses, discussions, and a conference with our partner University of Delaware. In addition, at least five new virtual offerings on varied topics amplifying Black lives will be debuted over the next six months.

6. Continue to pursue public input in the development of Rosenbach programs and services: We strive to be responsive to our community. We will consistently solicit input from audience stakeholders, partnering with BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ owned businesses, organizations and institutions, and working with compensated community advisory groups. We will work to create mechanisms for visitors and those who use our services to provide feedback and a system for responding to that feedback and for creating resolutions.

7. Change our physical spaces to better reflect our community: We will feature the BIPOC writers and artists in our collections in our public spaces. We will also create a Statement of Institutional Values reflecting our commitment to equity and change in a highly visible area of our front lobby and on our website. We will make the lobby and all other public spaces accessible and welcoming to visitors with disabilities and different needs. We recognize that our physical space extends to the street we reside on and will work to make the street more welcoming and accessible to visitors with the use of pedestrian banners and other signage.

8. Examine our list of vendors: We will consciously partner with companies founded or led by BIPOC, women, LGBTQ+ people, and/or people with disabilities, and/or commit to employing individuals from these communities. If you are interested in working with the Rosenbach Museum and Library as a vendor (e.g. catering, etc.), please contact and we will ensure that your inquiry is addressed by the proper member of the Rosenbach staff.

9. Concentrate funding efforts: We will proactively research and apply for funding opportunities that allow the Rosenbach Museum and Library to provide programming created and led by BIPOC, LGBTQ+ people and other traditionally underrepresented and marginalized communities.

10. Increase engagement from a diverse audience: We will increase our engagement scope to reach diverse audiences by partnering with BIPOC, LGBTQ and other community-owned or led publications and nonprofits to share our programs, events, and opportunities. To be successful in this endeavor, it is imperative that we commit to all of the items listed above.

Updated: October 2, 2020

As a member of Philadelphia’s arts and culture sector, The Rosenbach will better reflect our city in every facet of our organization: a more diverse staff and board, an increase in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)-led courses and programs, and physical spaces that are equitable and welcoming. The Rosenbach’s Board of Directors and Staff are currently convening to create goals to diversify the organization’s leadership, and will share these initiatives in September 2020. The Rosenbach will continue to learn, but we make the following commitments to our community today.

1. Continue learning: The Rosenbach’s staff and Board of Directors will receive Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) orientation and training within the next six months. This will be refreshed annually thereafter. The Rosenbach has formed a DEAI (Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion) Committee with members from the staff, guide corps, and volunteers led by Bethany Chisholm, The Rosenbach’s representative on the Free Library of Philadelphia’s DEAI Steering Committee.

2. Create equitable opportunities: We will be intentional about our hiring practices to increase diversity amongst our staff. Since the majority of the current staff is white, we will connect with BIPOC professional and alumni groups to widen our candidate pool, and share future job or internship posts beyond traditional nonprofit online employment boards or our personal/professional networks.

3. Increase the diversity of our leadership: The Board of Directors is committed to adding at least two additional BIPOC Directors in FY21 and aiming to achieve and sustain over time a Board that benefits from diversity of all kinds, including participation by BIPOC members at a rate that is at least 25% of the total Board.

4. Increase accountability: We will amend our existing strategic plan with specific due dates and measurables in areas of DEAI initiatives. The DEAI Committee will create institution evaluations for the six month and year mark from today, July 1, 2020.

5. Amplify Black history, literature, and culture beyond this moment: In response to our commitment to the Black Lives Matter movement, we will showcase Black narratives in a major new exhibition on the life and work of Alice Dunbar-Nelson in fall 2020, “I Am An American!”, which will include courses, discussions, and a conference with our partner University of Delaware. In addition, at least five new virtual offerings on varied topics amplifying Black lives will be debuted over the next six months.

6. Continue to pursue public input in the development of Rosenbach programs: Community input gathering is currently underway with the development of the Alice Dunbar-Nelson exhibition, “I Am An American!”, and we will explore how to create a larger-scale mechanism to gather feedback and invite conversation with the Philadelphia community.

7. Change our physical spaces to better reflect our community: We will feature the BIPOC writers and artists in our collections in our public spaces. We will also create a Statement of Institutional Values reflecting our commitment to equity and change in a highly-visible area of our front lobby and on our website.

8. Examine our list of vendors: We will consciously partner with companies founded or led by BIPOC, commit to employing, or who consistently fund BIPOC causes.

9. Concentrate funding efforts: We will proactively research and apply for funding opportunities that allow The Rosenbach to diversify our collection and provide BIPOC-led and created programming.

10. Increase BIPOC audience engagement: We will increase our engagement scope to reach BIPOC audiences by partnering with BIPOC-owned or led publications and nonprofits to share our programs, events, and opportunities. To be successful in this endeavor, it is imperative that we commit to all of the items listed above.

Updated: June 8, 2020

The Rosenbach staff and Board of Directors were grateful for the opportunity to pause, listen, and learn last week as we pressed pause on our usual programming. We, as an institution, acknowledge that we are privileged to have this time, while so many in our Philadelphia community are not given a choice but to experience racism and systemic oppression every day.

As a member of Philadelphia’s arts and culture sector, we must better reflect our city in every facet of our organization: a more diverse staff and board, an increase in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)-led courses and programs, and physical spaces that are equitable and welcoming. The Rosenbach will continue to learn, and we are committed to intention-driven change within our organization.

For the rest of the month of June, our staff member and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEAI) representative Bethany Chisholm will work with our community of stakeholders to create a list of our DEI commitments by July 1, the first day of our new fiscal year. Please contact her at with any questions or suggestions for a more diverse and equitable Rosenbach.

Pressing Pause from June 1 to June 7, 2020

Many cultural institutions originate in white and Eurocentric narratives and as such have a long history of being exclusionary spaces. We are not exempt. How we reckon with that fact is critical to how we move forward, as an institution and as individuals.

From June 1 to June 7, we are pressing pause on our usual programming. Instead, we’ll be intentionally using our platforms in the coming days to amplify Black voices.

While we take a step back from our day-to-day, we are using this time to have honest conversations as an organization and reflect critically on the road ahead. We are here to put in the work.

We extend gratitude to Alishia McCullough and Jessica Wilson, the creators of the #AmplifyMelanatedVoices campaign, and countless other leaders.