Program and Course Sponsorships
Program and Course Sponsorships
Sponsorships allow the Rosenbach to offer public programs and reading courses to thousands of literature lovers in Philadelphia and around the world for free or low-cost. To learn more, please contact Megan McCarthy, Director of Advancement, at mmccarthy@rosenbach.org.
Program Sponsorship Opportunities
In Conversation with LIVE Sponsorship
$1,500 for program
$2,000 for program plus reception
$3,000 for program, reception, and dinner for up to 9
Reading Course Sponsorship
$1,500 (pays for two course scholarships)
Behind the Bookcase Tour Sponsorship
Sponsored by William and Anne Marie Petersen
$1,500 for the full year
Contact us for sponsorship opportunities
Contact us for sponsorship opportunities
Contact us for sponsorship opportunities
Lunchtime Talks
Sponsored by Lenore Steiner and Perry Lerner
Contact us for sponsorship opportunities
Program and Course Scholarships
Revisit beloved classics or experience new ones with Rosenbach courses. Book lovers delve into fiction, history, and poetry with the guidance of a literary expert and the company of other readers. To learn more about scholarships to our programs and courses, please contact Megan McCarthy, Director of Advancement, at mmccarthy@rosenbach.org. See all upcoming courses.