Database Error; SQL: SELECT DISTINCT `t`.* FROM `wp_pams_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wp_pams_term_relationships` AS `rel_collection` ON `rel_collection`.`object_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wp_pams_term_taxonomy` AS `rel_tt_collection` ON `rel_tt_collection`.`taxonomy` = 'collection' AND `rel_tt_collection`.`term_taxonomy_id` = `rel_collection`.`term_taxonomy_id` LEFT JOIN `wp_pams_terms` AS `collection` ON `collection`.`term_id` = `rel_tt_collection`.`term_id` WHERE ( ( `collection`.`term_id` = ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = 'collection_highlight' ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( 'publish' ) ) ) ORDER BY `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 15; Response: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND ( `t`.`post_type` = 'collection_highlight' ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( ' at line 17