More on the Declaration

After I published last week’s musings on our copy of the Declaration I heard this story on NPR about the Library of Congress’s use of hyperspectral imaging to determine word changes in Jefferson’s rough draft. Apparently Jefferson changed the word “subjects” to “citizens,” no small matter. Here’s the official LC news release on the topic.

Taking a Fork

Several of the “today in history” websites list an interesting tidbit for June 25: “Fork introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop” in 1630. As someone fascinated by culinary history, this caught my interest. Sadly, none of the sites gave citations, except to other websites , so I started digging. The June 25, 1630 date …

Memorial Day Recap

I hope everyone enjoyed the lovely weather over Memorial Day weekend. As you probably know, the holiday was originally known as Decoration Day and it originated as a way of honoring the Civil War dead. Although most of us no longer visit cemeteries on Memorial Day, the parades and speeches that many of us attend …

Two Terrific Tours

First of all, I think Smithsonian magazine must be stalking the Rosenbach. I noted in a previous blog post that the April issue features a look at Lewis Carroll and then what should I find in the May issue–a story on William Henry Ireland , whose Shakespeare forgeries are currently on display in Friend or …

Paige M. Gutenborg

It’s been a quiet week at the Rosenbach. Most of the collections staff has been away, either on vacation or out in Wyoming, installing a traveling Sendak exhibition at the National Museum of Wildlife Art. I have spent the week hunched over my computer, learning the intricacies of Chenhall Nomenclature and editing object information in …