Every year, losing weight and eating better are among the top New Year’s resolutions and many health-related businesses find themselves in demand at this time of the year. It turns out that such concerns are nothing new and tips for healthy living seem to have been a selling point way back in the 18th century. …
Upcoming Events
“God Bless Us, Every One”–Then What?
All of us are, no doubt, quite familiar with Dickens’s classic 1843 tale A Christmas Carol. At this time of year various movie versions dominate the airwaves and those of us in Philadelphia can make our annual visit to the Dickens Village at Macy’s. But have you ever heard of Dickens’s “Christmas book” for 1844–The …
Pilgrims Reunited
I’ve blogged before about some of the ways the Rosenbach makes its collection accessible online, such as, Phil , our online fine/decorative arts catalog, and Manuscripts Online, which provides high quality images and transcriptions of selected items from our Americana collection. But you may not know that from time to time the Rosenbach also participates …
Going, Going, Gone
We’ve been knee deep in the Civil War around here, preparing for the Civil War Begins exhibit to open next week . As you know, you can check out today’s dispatch from 1860 at https://rosenbach.org/civilwar/. But December 8 also marks an anniversary for a different war—as the day after “the day that will live in …
Turkey Time
Looking to liven up your Thanksgiving turkey? Maybe you could serve it with mangoes. That’s an option mentioned in the 1812 American cookery: or, the art of dressing viands, fish, poultry, and vegetables. . . adopted to this country and all grades of life, which is on display in A Taste of History. Here’s the …
“Today in the Civil War” Blog Launches on Saturday
After a year and a half of preparation, I am pleased to announce that the Rosenbach’s online project Today in the Civil War: Dispatches From the Rosenbach Collection will [finally] begin tomorrow, November 6, on the 150th anniversary of the election of Abraham Lincoln. The project uses a blog format, so you can just hop …
A Big Thank You to the White Gloves Gang!
This week saw the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) meeting in Philadelphia. On Sunday our facilities manager Stacey Hendricks talked about our 2008 gallery relighting project as part of a panel and on Wednesday the Rosenbach were lucky enough to be a project site for the White Gloves Gang, organized by the Registrars Committee of …
If Only There Were More than 24 Hours in a Day
First off, a quick bit of vampire news to go along with tomorrow’s Dracula events. Those of you who followed the Lincoln project last year may recall the Seth Grahame-Smith mash-up novel Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I just found out that 21st-Century Fox has won the rights to the movie version, to be produced by …
Portraits of Civil War Heroes–An Update
In late August we posted about Dave Burrell’s fourth composition for the Rosenbach, which is entitled Portraits of Civil War Heroes and will premier January 19 & 22. To further whet your appetite, Farrar Fitzgerald, our intrepid Sunstein Family Assistant Director of Education, has filmed a couple of short interviews with Dave about his upcoming …
Going a Bit Batty
First of all, thanks to everyone who made last week’s Banned Books Week a success. If you weren’t at the Authors of Mischief reading, you might enjoy this post from the blogger at “A Quick Succession of Busy Nothings,” who was. Now we are into Dracula season–check out this nice feature from WRTI on our …