The Answers!

Now is the moment you’ve all been waiting for–the answers to last week’s object quiz! This gizmo is a saddle watch and pedometer manufactured by Ralph Gout around 1800. The horse’s movement causes the watch and outer case to move up and down, forcing the chain to pull on the pedometer mechanism. The lower right …

Now We Are Five

This week marks the 5th anniversary of the Rosen-blog, which began on Thursday August 25, 2005. In lieu of my regular post, I encourage our loyal readers to revisit the blog archives and see where we’ve been. Here are some of my favorites from deep storage [none written by me], to get you started: Black …

Something New

As promised, the “something new” this week is our new Westward Ho! exhibit, which opened on Wednesday. The exhibit got a nice shout out in the City Paper yesterday, so thanks to them for that. This show, like pretty much everything we do here at the Rosenbach, was a real team effort:it was co-curated by …

Something Blue

Picking up on last week’s theme of “something old”, I’m jumping to the end of the rhyme to highlight a few of my favorite “something blue” items in our collection. Patch box. 1954.2058 First off is this lovely blue box, which dates from the late eighteenth-century (ca 1790-1800). The picture doesn’t do it justice, but …


As one last follow up on the Declaration of Independence, I’d like to give a hat-tip to our friends at Independence National Historical Park for their annual reading of the Declaration, which happens every July 8, the day the Declaration was first read publicly. It has become a bit of a collections department tradition to …