Enjoying the Games

Many of us here at the Rosenbach have been avidly following the Olympics, so in honor of the games, here are a few sport-related images from the collection.

George Cruishank, illustration for William Hone, The Every Day Book. William Hone: London, 1825. Rosenbach museum & Library 1954.1880.1910

Among the many gymnastic exercises described in The Every-Day Book are “the exercises on the pole and parallel bars” which serve in particular to expand the chest to strengthen the muscles of the breast and small of the back and to make the latter flexible” and  “Vaulting which is considered one of the principal exercises for the increase of strength activity good carriage of the body and courage which employs and improves the powers of almost all parts the body and has hitherto always been as an art by itself is brought to some perfection in three months”

George Cruikshank. Sailing Match (detail of larger sheet) London: W. Belch, 1804.  Rosenbach Museum & Library 1954.0055
Eugene-Louis Lami. Regatta on the Seine. 1842-1850. Rosenbach Museum & Library. 1954.1510

Discus thrower. bronze. Rosenbach Museum & Library 1954.1979

 If you look up the next time you’re on a tour of the library at the
Rosenbach you can find this discus thrower perched atop a bookcase.

George Cruikshank. London, 1817.Rosenbach Museum & Library 1954.0123

Enjoy the Olympics and we’ll be back next week.

Kathy Haas is the Assistant Curator at the Rosenbach Museum & Library and the primary poster at the Rosen-blog