
Bloomsday Is Nigh Upon Us

Bloomsday is this Saturday, June 16th. See you there. I’m not privy to all of the preparations for the glorious occasion, but I sincerely hope our Bloomsday coordinator, the redoubtable Joyce scholar Janine Utell, has arranged for the above scene to be re-enacted tableau vivant-style at the conclusion of the Proteus chapter readings (around 12:45 …

Harry Houdini: Male Human Characterized By Mysteriousness, or the Enigma Wrapped in a Straightjacket and Chains and Then Stuffed in a Milk Can

A colleague brought this unfortunate news item to my attention last week. It seems one of the world’s largest collections of Harry Houdini material went up in flames last December when a crack-smoking burglar set the collector’s house on fire. The smoker, Mr. Jarrod Frederick, escaped the blazing home of Dr. Randall Wolf even if …

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

While researching A.S.W. Rosenbach’s Hebrew language studies (see below), I really hoped to find some manuscript evidence of his Hebrew class work. I didn’t have any luck then, but thanks to the the highly proficient PACSCL information professionals presently on our premises, just such evidence has surfaced. The above is a page of notes Abie …

“…that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

I find it touching that a wealthy and powerful business-magnate like Philadelphian John Wanamaker (1838-1922) would go to the trouble to print this little volume of important American historical documents for distribution to the general public: and that the general public would take them home and sign Wanamaker’s pledge to “carefully read” the whole thing:Isabella …