At the moment, everything at the Rosenbach is awhirl with getting Sue Johnson’s exhibit Moore Adventures in Wonderland ready to open tomorrow and our Wild Things exhibit ready to open next week. But despite all the running around, we’re still plugging away at some of our ongoing projects. I’ve been spending a bunch of time …
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A Tricycle Built For ???
Many thanks to Richard Brozenec for sending in this picture of Rosenbach Company motorized tricycle, which he found at the Industriemuseum Brandenburg. We had no idea that it existed! It was made by the Brennabor company which was based in Brandenburg and was the largest German car producer in the mid 1920s. Apparently the label …
Catch up on Your Classics–21st-Century Style
If you’re anything like me, visiting the Rosenbach (or in my case working there) creates a burning desire to read (or re-read) some of the classics represented in our collection. I must confess to not yet having the courage to tackle Ulysses, but I have enjoyed reacquainting myself with Dracula, the Canterbury Tales, the poetry …
Long Lost Triplets
One painting in the Rosenbach collection which is rarely seen by the public is this painting of Anne of Cleves, which normally hangs in a staff meeting room here at the museum. For those of you who don’t recall all of your Tudor history, Anne was Henry VIII fourth wife. It was a singularly unsuccessful …
Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon; from the field notes and journal of Capt. J.C. Fremont
The detail which appears on the left (similar to the detail used on the postcard for Dave Burrell’s up-coming performance at the Rosenbach) is from Charles Preuss’s map of the road from Missouri to Oregon.Orinigally published in 1846 this series of 7 maps details the journey west, from safe watering holes and good hunting spots …
Have you heard the one …?
A friend sent me a link to this joke, which is one of the best I’ve heard in a while. Yes, it is Rosenbach-related, but to say more would be giving it away. If you don’t yet know about this aspect of our collections, when you’ve finished groaning you can search the Web site for …
The Woman on a Pedestal: Rita de Acosta Lydig
Sitting in the bay window of the Rosenbach Museum & Library is an alabaster bust of Rita De Acosta Lydig by artist Malvina Hoffman. Hoffman’s sculpture is particularly striking not only in her choice of subject matter but also in her choice of stone. On certain afternoons it glows.The Rosenbach has more than one Hoffman …
Dracula, one of the most famous literary characters ever created, first appeared in an 1897 novel written by an Irish theatre manager, Bram Stoker. Dracula was a popular, sensational “pot-boiler” that at first attracted only modest critical attention, but became enormously popular when performed on stage and later in film. The Rosenbach preserves Stoker’s outlines …
Dickens and sister(in- law)ly Love By Rosenbach Docent and Dickens Fellow Barbara Zimmerman
On the North wall of the library, one finds among the Dickens’ collection the manuscript of The Pickwick Papers, Dickens’ first novel, (written in serial form and published monthly) which catapulted him to fame at the age of 24. In March of 1837, the recently married Dickens, moved into 48 Doughty Street with his wife …
Michael Jackson goes into studio with Robert Burns
From Steve Bartholomew, a visitor services manager at the Rosenbach Museum & Library: I share this somewhat tongue-n’-cheek, but ….. Knowing that the staff of the Rosenbach is up on both ancient and modern pop-culture, I don’t need to remind you that today is Michael Jackon’s 50th birthday, nor are you unaware that he is …