On Beyond Sendak

At the moment, everything at the Rosenbach is awhirl with getting Sue Johnson’s exhibit Moore Adventures in Wonderland ready to open tomorrow and our Wild Things exhibit ready to open next week. But despite all the running around, we’re still plugging away at some of our ongoing projects. I’ve been spending a bunch of time …

Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon; from the field notes and journal of Capt. J.C. Fremont

The detail which appears on the left (similar to the detail used on the postcard for Dave Burrell’s up-coming performance at the Rosenbach) is from Charles Preuss’s map of the road from Missouri to Oregon.Orinigally published in 1846 this series of 7 maps details the journey west, from safe watering holes and good hunting spots …

Dracula, one of the most famous literary characters ever created, first appeared in an 1897 novel written by an Irish theatre manager, Bram Stoker. Dracula was a popular, sensational “pot-boiler” that at first attracted only modest critical attention, but became enormously popular when performed on stage and later in film. The Rosenbach preserves Stoker’s outlines …