Topographical Map of the Road from Missouri to Oregon; from the field notes and journal of Capt. J.C. Fremont

The detail which appears on the left (similar to the detail used on the postcard for Dave Burrell’s up-coming performance at the Rosenbach) is from Charles Preuss’s map of the road from Missouri to Oregon.Orinigally published in 1846 this series of 7 maps details the journey west, from safe watering holes and good hunting spots …

Dracula, one of the most famous literary characters ever created, first appeared in an 1897 novel written by an Irish theatre manager, Bram Stoker. Dracula was a popular, sensational “pot-boiler” that at first attracted only modest critical attention, but became enormously popular when performed on stage and later in film. The Rosenbach preserves Stoker’s outlines …

This series of photographs are of the Rosenbach brothers’ New York City home, located at 322 E. 57th street. The home was more of a show room the a residence. Many of the objects in these photos are now on display at the museum.